You may have heard that, beginning this March, residents within the bubbling metropolis of Duncan B.C. will be receiving curbside compost pickup service.
Exciting news, to be sure.
Every residential dwelling — a.k.a. single family home — within the city limits will automatically get this privilege.
People living in apartment buildings and strata complexes, however, will not.
It's not because the city has a vendetta against multi-family dwellings. Apartments and stratas are considered commercial properties in the eyes of the tax collectors, so they are excluded from the municipally offered service.
Worry Not, Stratas!
We're here for you.
Cowichan Recyclists offers an extremely cost effective, clean and efficient curbside pickup service for stratas and apartments, too.
Just because the city can't deliver the service to you doesn't mean you can't compost with the rest of them.
Give us a call or e-mail and we can help you move toward zero waste.