For some reason I was thinking about green funerals and how everyone should just be composted when they are gone.
This little take on Mary Frye's Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep was percolating for a few pedal strokes.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I’m the compost heap.
I am in the rotting fruit and leaves
I am the earth; do not grieve.
I am the fuel saved from cremation
I am for clean air circulation.
I am organic. I am not embalmed.
I am not destined to grow lawn.
Of vegetables sprouting up in spurts,
I am the nutrient rich dirt.
I am decomposing. I’m going home.
I am the ever bearing loam.
I am nature, carbon clean.
I am giving back. I am going green.
Do not stand graveside, deep in thought.
Just scoop me onto your veggie plot.