Friday, February 4, 2011

Going Green and Growing Green

One of the most enjoyable perks of biking around all day is the time it gives for thinking.

For some reason I was thinking about green funerals and how everyone should just be composted when they are gone.

This little take on Mary Frye's Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep was percolating for a few pedal strokes.


Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there, I’m the compost heap.

I am in the rotting fruit and leaves

I am the earth; do not grieve.

I am the fuel saved from cremation

I am for clean air circulation.

I am organic. I am not embalmed.

I am not destined to grow lawn.

Of vegetables sprouting up in spurts,

I am the nutrient rich dirt.

I am decomposing. I’m going home.

I am the ever bearing loam.

I am nature, carbon clean.

I am giving back. I am going green.

Do not stand graveside, deep in thought.

Just scoop me onto your veggie plot.


Andy C. said...

This may be a stupid question, but... are human remains allowed to be buried on private property, the way many people lay their departed pets to rest? If so, that's what I'd want after I go.

Cowichan Recyclists... said...

Hmmm, good question.

Here's what I found when I asked The Google...

4 Subject to the regulations, a person must not dispose of human remains at any place in British Columbia other than

(a) by interment in or on land against which there is a certificate of public interest registered,
(b) by cremation in a crematorium, or
(c) by interment in or on crown land that is reserved under the Land Act for interment purposes.

Apparently it's also quite difficult to be buried at sea, requiring an application 8 weeks in advance and notice to Environment Canada.

And now I know way too much about burials...yikes!

Andy C. said...

I know it's creepy to talk about this, but there actually is a group working to establish Canada's first natural burial preserve:

I certainly commend them for what they're trying to do.

Cowichan Recyclists... said...

That's really interesting. I like that idea a lot. A peaceful, natural setting for family and friends to visit.

Thanks for sharing that link, Andrea.

Kelly Hays said...

Solution: 18 day hot compost. In another life, I witnessed the remains of dog completely composted in 10 days in a proper hot compost. My question, why not everyone?

Cowichan Recyclists... said...

Hot composting your pet? Now that there's a dog gone good idea!

By proper hot compost are you talking about a well-cared for backyard set-up, or a commercial application?

And thanks for the comments, eh?
