Thursday, February 10, 2011

Slow and steady wanes the waste...

In the spirit of providing (ahem) objective journalism, we here, at Recyclists' Spin, need to make a clarification.

It's possible that past posts MAY have left readers with the impression that Cowichan Recyclists are the sole people-powered recyclers here in Cowichan.

As you can see by the photo, this is far from being the case.

Two workers in Cowichan Bay — North America's first Cittaslow designated community — are, after building this beautiful public recycling centre, seen pushing and pulling it toward it's final destination.

Now that truly is people-powered, slow-moving, earth-loving dedication.

Last year Cowichan Bay's Maritime Centre, at the behest of the Cowichan Bay Improvement Area board of directors, began making public recycling a reality by building these wooden structures.

We've had the pleasure of emptying the bins, and pedaling the materials back to the recycling yard in Duncan.

All in all, it's a perfect partnership, and an excellent example of when things are slowed down it's easier to spot a good idea.

It looks like people-powered resource recovery is catching on!

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