Friday, January 21, 2011

Cutting Carbon in Cowichan

Yesterday, with a trailer full of recycling, standing in the cool, cool rain outside Gillingham Cabinets I got to talking with the conscientious company's environmental champion Duncan Wilcock.

He was telling me about some of the straightforward steps the business took to reduce their carbon footprint by more than half.

And it all started with him signing up to take the Carbon Smart program.

With an eye on cutting costs and cutting carbon, the program helps businesses assess their current operations and find environmentally sound solutions to meet some of their diverse needs.

The program is coming to Cowichan!

Cowichan Valley Regional District and Pacific Carbon Trust are bringing the course to the area but businesses have to act fast.

The space is limited to 10.

After speaking with Wilcock, it seems the program has truly catapulted Gillingham Cabinets into a new paradigm — one where environmental benefits are tightly tied to economic benefits.

Register at


Duncan Wilcock said...

Wow - thanks for the compliments Aaron. I'll add that the program is starting up soon: January 26th in fact. Here are some links to some of the documents about it:

Cowichan Recyclists... said...

They're well-deserved, Duncan.

A small footprint is no small feat (or something like that!)